Biuro Karier
Politechniki Lubelskiej

Informacje podstawowe
Nazwa stanowiska Google Student Research Intern 2025
Numer referencyjny 143IT/2023/2024
Rodzaj zatrudnienia praca w IT
Branża IT Java matematyka programowanie
Wymiar etatu do uzgodnienia
Ważne do 30.09.2024
Miejsce zatrudnienia
Województwo(a) dolnośląskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, lubelskie, lubuskie, łódzkie, małopolskie, mazowieckie, opolskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, pomorskie, śląskie, świętokrzyskie, warmińsko-mazurskie, wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie


Company profile

EmployAbility is the leading force for a truly disability-inclusive workplace. Unapologetic in the drive for a level playing field, we support, advise and advocate on behalf of talented neurodiverse and disabled university students to help you build the career you deserve.
We are the only organisation providing free, direct support to neurodiverse and disabled students in terms of individualised adjustments advice and advocacy. We also run internships, graduate and first year programmes with our disability-inclusive partners.
We have supported more than 13,000 students into employment. We would like to do the same for you.



About the Internship Google Research is building the next generation of intelligent systems for all Google products. To achieve this, we’re working on projects that utilize the latest computer science techniques developed by skilled software developers and research scientists. Google Research teams collaborate closely with other teams across Google, maintaining the flexibility and versatility required to adapt new projects and foci that meet the demands of the world's fast-paced business needs. The Student Researcher Program’s primary objective is to foster academic collaborations with students through research at Google. Join us for a paid Student Researcher position that offers the opportunity to work directly with Google research scientists and engineers on research projects. The Student Researcher Program offers more opportunities for research students to work on critical research projects at Google in a less structured way. The program allows for flexibility beyond the limitations of our traditional internship program on aspects such as duration, time commitment, and working location (with options for on-site or remote). The topics student researchers work on tend to be open-ended and exploratory, and don't always have a clear deliverable like a traditional internship would.



Minimum qualifications:

  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Math, or related technical field.
  • Experience in one area of computer science (e.g., Natural Language Understanding, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Algorithmic Foundations of Optimization, Quantum Information Science, Data Science, Software Engineering, etc.).

Preferred qualifications:

  • Currently enrolled in a full-time degree program in EMEA and returning to the program after completion of the internship.
  • Experience as a researcher (e.g., internships, full-time, or at a lab). Experience with one or more general purpose programming languages (e.g., C/C++, Java, MATLAB, Go, Python, etc.).
  • Experience with contributing to research communities or efforts, (e.g., publishing papers in conferences or journals).
  • Ability to communicate in English fluently.


The employer offers

The program allows for flexibility beyond the limitations of our traditional internship program on aspects such as duration, time commitment, and working location (with options for on-site or remote).


If you have any extenuating circumstances or require further information about the programme, please contact EmployAbility on +44 (0)7776 090 508 or +44 (0)7852 764684, alternatively email us


24 Hodford Road, Childs Hill
NW118N London
Nip: London

Politechnika Lubelska posiada wpis do rejestru podmiotów prowadzących agencje zatrudnienia pod następującym numerem: 973


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki LubelskiejPOWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17